BULK Photo Scanning

how we can help

Bulk scanning is for those people who have hundreds or thousands of photos need to be digitized and copied as a back up. This is out most cost effective way to convert your photos into a modern format that will last for future generations. We can put these digital images onto a number of different media; USB, DVD, Portable Hard Drive (customer supplied) or Online digital Archive.

Sharing and using these scanned photos become so easy. email these photos straight from your computer. Share them on faceboook from your phone. Show family and friends all your old photos so easily and they will love them.

Preparing your Photos

To prepare your photos for scanning please follow the guidelines below. If you have any questions or wish to discuss preparing your photos please give us a call. 022 63 73 533

  • Photos should all be loose and stacked facing the same direction.

  • Photos must not have tears or sellotape.

  • Photos should be stacked in groups of around 50.

  • Photos must not have any blue tack or other adhesives on the back.

  • Any photos that have writing on the back that you wish to be scanned should be stacked separately.

  • If you require a certain sequence then please stack and number them (on the back in pencil) in order, front to back.

scanning process

  • Bulk scans are made with auto colour correction to give the best images possible.

  • Standard scans are high resolution 300dpi, great for viewing on large TV screens. Print out up to the same size as the original.

  • Higher resolution scans are available up to 600dpi, for maximum detail. Print up to 4 times the sizes of the original

  • Dust removal is done using software where possible.

  • Additional dust and blemish removal is available at additional cost.

  • All scans are available on USB stick, DVD or Online Archive. Or a combination of those.

  • Images are provided in a .jpg file format. For easy use and sharing on all platforms and for printing.

  • Full photo restoration services for colour correction, fading, blemishes etc. are available at PixelFIX Photo Restorations Services.


Deliver or drop off

You can click below to make an appointment to drop off your photos.

You can send us your photos by courier to the address below. Or by personal drop off by arrangement.


I recommend that once you have prepared your negatives and slides for scanning. You should pack your negatives and slides into a large plastic bag and then into a sturdy box. Label the box and use a courier service that you are happy with to send those directly to us. I have used the NZ Post Courier Service and find it is very easy to use and doesn't require any account setup or invoicing.

Please send us an email or a quick call to let us know that your photos are on the way and we will make sure to look out for them.

Personal Drop Off

If you wish to arrange to drop off your photos in person. Please call us or send us an email. We can then make sure that we a suitable time available to see you and give any advise that may be needed.